Blood/Heart Problems
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure also known as hypertension is a condition that requires the heart to work harder to pump blood to the body. High blood pressure can significantly increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Although the cause is unknown, several factors such as obesity, genetics, high salt intake, lack of physical activity, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, and lead exposure play a role.
The naturopathic approach is adept at treating high blood pressure and preventing cardiovascular disease since it involves an extensive amount of patient education on proper dietary changes and stress management. In addition, safe nutritional supplements, Chinese and western herbs, and acupuncture are used effectively to lower blood pressure and optimize heart function.
High Cholesterol
High cholesterol is one of the risk factors associated with heart disease, atherosclerosis, and stroke. It is currently recommended that the total blood cholesterol level be less than 200 mg/dl. LDL cholesterol directly linked to heart disease should be below 130 mg/dl, while HDL cholesterol, protective against heart disease should be greater than 35 mg/dl.
In most cases, elevations of blood cholesterol are due to dietary and lifestyle factors, however, elevations can also be due to genetic factors.
The most important approach to lowering a high cholesterol level is a healthful diet and regular physical activity. In addition,some chinese herbs will be recommended to safely lower your cholesterol and protect your heart.
Stroke is a condition caused by lack of blood flow to the brain or hemorrhage or bleeding in the brain. Although strokes are the third leading cause of death in the US, most strokes are not fatal. Symptoms of stroke include weakness, numbness, or inability to move an arm or leg; sudden and intense headache; severe dizziness or loss of coordination and balance; difficulty with speaking or understanding; and blurred or decreased vision in one or both eyes. People with stroke may also have seizures, vomiting, drooling, and difficulty swallowing. People experiencing symptoms suggestive of having suffered a stroke require immediate emergency care and medical attention. Post-stroke symptoms may include coma, reversible or irreversible paralysis, speech problems, dementia, and visual disturbances.
Preventing and treating conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol or homocysteine levels, and atherosclerosis significantly reduces the risk of developing strokes. Stroke prevention encompasses healthy lifestyle and dietary changes and nutritional supplementation to support optimal heart function and blood sugar regulation. The most effective treatments for stroke involve acupuncture to promote blood circulation and stimulate nerve function and the use of herbal and nutritional antioxidants to reduce the free radical damage associated with strokes.
Type II Diabetes
Diabetes mellitus is an inability to metabolize carbohydrates resulting from inadequate production or utilization of insulin. People with diabetes cannot properly process glucose or sugar. This results in high glucose levels in the blood and impaired uptake of glucose by the cells of the body. There is an increased risk of stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, eye disease, poor wound healing, infections, and loss of nerve function. Common symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, excessive thirst, and excessive appetite.
Naturopathic medicine emphasizes the use of proper diet, therapeutic dose of vitamins, minerals, and herbs, and exercise to safely lower your blood sugar, improve utilization of glucose by your cells and tissues, and prevent or minimize organ damage associated with diabetes.
Acupuncture has also been shown to be helpful in improving diabetic neuropathy. In a preliminary trial, 77% of people suffering from diabetic neuropathy experienced significant reduction in pain following up to six acupuncture treatments over a ten-week period.